Hanukkah is the festival of lights. Hanukkah means dedication which I feel is how families feel towards each other. We are dedicated to our family members. In an article about Hanukkah I read how each family celebrated Hanukkah.
Here is one story....
A favorite family tradition for Hanukkah: My daughters and I bake cookies each day of Hanukkah. We alternate between favorite cookie recipes, new ones we are eager to try, and quick and easy cookie recipes for homework-filled school nights. We give some cookies a way as gifts and gobble up the rest.
How did this tradition start? wanted to teach my girls how to bake and thought it would be a fun way for them to celebrate the holiday. So when they were 2 and 4 years old, I took out my rolling pins and let them make a baking mess in the kitchen. Our tradition was born! We look forward to spending that time in the kitchen together each year, while my husband looks forward to eating all of our creations.
What's Most Special to Your Family About This Holiday?
What's most special to your family about this holiday? For us, it’s not just about receiving presents, it’s also a reminder to give back to our community. So for two nights of Hanukkah, instead of receiving gifts, my girls pick their favorite charities and we make a donation to them. They get to select the items that are needed and we bring it to that charity during Hanukkah. I think they look forward to this more than the presents they receive.
If you would like to read the other stories from Very Well Family click here
I wish you and your loved ones a blessed holiday season!
I am thrilled to be speaking in person at Livingston Post Acute along with Barry Goldberg, Managing Principal, Cornerstone Producers Group Insurance and Jessica Aviles, Client Services Consultant, Privatus Care Solutions.
This is a FREE event refreshments will be served.
We will be covering
How to protect your nest-egg if your spouse or you become ill?
Is Long-Term Care Insurance affordable?
New and innovative ways of funding Long-Term Care Protection.
Please come join us, bring your questions and concerns so that I can help you.
Please register inadvance by email: Lorraine Spiotta lorrainespiotta@hospiceofnewjersey.com
and/or Regina Curia rcuria@livingstonpostacute.com
This event will run 4:00-6:00 PM.
Location: Livingston Post Acute 348 East Cedar Street Livingston, NJ
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